Saturday, March 22, 2008


This is really a pretty rare moment, having some spare time sitting in front of the PC, typing this long due entry.

As stated previously, life's taken a turn for the better. Or probably i would say awesome.

Its all been about being awesome, doing awesome things, eating awesome food, spending awesome time. To sum it up, awesome. Grabbed this whole idea about being awesome from Yijia, so yea. I kind of ripped it off but it does describe life now real well.

With the excessive use of awesome, this post shall be titled 'Awesome'.


Officer cadet training in the SPF is coming to an end soon, with only 1 more paper, a final IPPT and a 16 days leadership training camp at the outwardbound school Singapore. Time has flashed passed during training, i can still vividly remember how disappointed i was on 21st sept '07 upon recieving my posting results as I've always wanted to be an officer in the Saf. However, through these months I've come to realise that there are indeed valuable lessons to be learnt in the SPF.

Poof, postings postings postings. National Service, is all about choices we make. Much is there for me to look forward to after passing out from the course. The interest in entering Security Command's really burns me up and its a goal to fight for.

Friendships forged, lessons learnt, experience gained resulting in a better person. Awesome.


On a more personal note, weekends couldn't been awesome without Steph around. Awesome-ness comes so naturally and things that we do together ends my week well and has never failed to pep me up for the start of another. So yea steph, if you're reading this. You're awesome.

Lots of plans that we've made and being realised that i've never thought that i would. E.g getting our first Syrian hamster 'Dustball' who only after 2 weeks then we realised that 'she' has balls. So yup, Dusty's a true blue male in actual fact. And boy, now we've got for ourselves a new addition to the family, a female syrian 'Little girl' who's so fucken adorably chubby. Hamster craze? I would say that its another mean to show the love. Awesome, MK's turning domestic.

Okay now, what else. Mk, who've never been too keen about travelling's decided to head over to tioman this May. A long procrastinated plan to head over and enjoy the laid back seaside life of that sunny island, going to be realised. Awesome.

2nd plan to travel, big plan. I'm most likely to be spending x'mas over at the states this year. For people who knows me well, i've never ever fucken taken a flight before so its gonna be the first. Awesome? Reason being, steph would be heading over to the university of buffalo this coming aug for a semester of overseas studies and yup, this someone motivated me to head over after her sem's done and spending xmas over at the states with her before we head home together for New year's. Some thinks that its madness, i'd say its awesome.

My perspective of life has matured and changed for the better over the years and now, ' to change yourself and you can change the world'.

Fuck. Blogger's block got the better of me. Probably would upload some pictures and post it up to kill the monotony of blocks of words in this weblog.

Be awesome.

and yea steph, i said that i'll have something for you. Here's another song for your aural pleasure. 'I'll be here'.

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